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What are Art indices, what are they based on and why are they needed?
We have compiled an extensive database of artists and their work, which allows us to calculate accurate figures for the historical liquidity and profitability of the artist's work, as well as the media mention rate and digital footprint of the artist himself. Read more about each index in the Analytics section.
How to get to the base?
Register on the Platform, fill out the Questionnaire and information about the work. At the same time, in order to become an artist attractive to buyers and get into rankings, you must have a competitive provenance, background and an active digital footprint in the media and social networks.
How often is the database of artists and works updated?
The database is a living organism that is replenished and updated in real time, which increases the accuracy of the ML assessment.
Why can you trust us?
All transactions are made through the platform by bank transfer, are anonymized and recorded, as well as personal data about the participants in the transactions. Transactions are open and unchanged.